Sign Peace Corps bill into law before May 29, national commandant, Akor urges Buhari

By Godwin Idemudia
25th May, 2023

Buhari bags Hoscon National Legacy Award for exemplary service

With less than eight days to the expiration of the outgoing Federal Government, the national commandant of the Peace Corps of Nigeria, Professor Dickson Akor, urged President Muhammadu Buhari to assent to the Peace Corps bill already passed by the National Assembly.

Akor made the urge on Saturday, in Ibadan, Oyo State capital.

He said apart from adding value to the nation’s security architecture, the bill will go a long way in enhancing critical investment in the youth as a precursor to peace and socio-economic growth of the country.

Akor, who spoke on the sidelines of the conferment of honourary doctorate degrees on eminent Nigerians by the Prowess University, Delaware, USA, which was held at the University of Ibadan Conference Centre, said: “the president may be delaying in signing the Peace Corps bill into law in order to use it a parting gift for the Nigerian youths.”

He stated: “We are in Abuja and monitoring the development and it is not as easy as some people feel about signing bill into law. When the bill gets to Mr President, administratively policymakers will have to review it before it goes back to the president for assent. It is not just a question of the National Assembly just passing the bill and transmit to the president for assent.”

“We are very hopeful and optimistic that Mr President would do justice to the bill and we know it will add value to the security architecture in the country. We are well schooled with the content of the bill right from the inception when it was introduced to the National Assembly up to the public hearing aspect.”




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