Newly sworn-in Niger governor orders demolition of police station

By Godwin Idemudia
30th May, 2023

Niger State Governor Mohammed Bago has ordered the demolish of Chanchaga police station in Minna. Bago made this known during his inaugural speech at the trade fair complex in Minna on Monday. Governor Bago stated that the police station was obstructing the water pipeline and noted that it would be marked for demolition immediately after…

Niger State Governor Mohammed Bago has ordered the demolition of Chanchaga police station in Minna.

Bago made this known during his inaugural speech at the trade fair complex in Minna on Monday.

Governor Bago stated that the police station was obstructing the water pipeline and noted that it would be marked for demolition immediately after the inauguration.

“Priority will be given to portable drinking water. as we leave this venue, we have a police station sitting on our water pipeline; we will mark it for demolition because we must provide portable drinking water for our people,” Bago said.

Meanwhile, Bago assured the public of his administration’s commitment to addressing the state’s insecurity, emphasising the urgency and gravity of the situation and promising to uphold the constitutional principle of security and protect lives and property.

He also assured the people of Niger State that his administration will address insecurity in the state with the zeal and urgency that it merits and that his administration will prioritise security and the protection of lives and property.

“Security is a serious matter, and we will tackle it with the intensity and urgency it deserves as enshrined in our constitution; therefore, we shall boldly defend that constitutional tenet and ensure that security will be given premium in our administration,” he added

Bago stated that his administration would depart from previous practises and promised a change of pace and a new approach to governance.


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