Fuel subsidy is now a thing of the past, President Bola Tinubu has declared .

By Godwin Idemudia
29th May, 2023

President Bola Tinubu has declared that fuel subsidy is now a thing of the past under his administration.

 Our updates reports that the president made the declaration during his inaugural speech at Eagle Square on Monday.

Furthermore, President Tinubu vowed to address concerns regarding multiple taxations, a move aimed at stimulating the economy and attracting investments.

Setting ambitious targets, the president articulated his administration’s goal of achieving a minimum Gross Domestic Profit growth rate of 6%.

Radiating unwavering confidence in the Nigerian people, Tinubu pledged to embrace the sacred mandate bestowed upon him, underscoring the nation’s exceptionalism and indomitable resolve to fulfil its destined path.

Despite enduring formidable challenges that would have tested the mettle of any nation, Tinubu extolled Nigeria’s resilience and urged the preservation and advancement of the progress made by preceding generations.

“We must never allow the sacrifices of our predecessors to be in vain,” affirmed Tinubu. “Instead, let us nurture their legacy and strive to forge a brighter and more prosperous reality for our beloved nation.”




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